Emotional Wellness Course Overview

This course provides an understanding of different areas of Emotional Wellness and how to apply practical strategies to achieve the ideal state of Emotional Wellness, which will enable an individual to flourish through living a healthy emotional life.
Areas to Expand
Emotions, Emotional Intelligence, and Emotional Wellness
- How We Choose to Respond to Challenging Situations.
- Understanding Emotions and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
- Drivers of Emotions, Behaviours, and Attitude – The Iceberg Principle.
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Teams.
- Emotionally Focused Conversations.
- Desired States, Definition, and Benefits of Emotional Wellness.
Expanding Emotional Intelligence through Self-Realisation
- Castle’s Coaching Model for EQ Self-Realisation©.
- Embracing Your Emotional Individuality.
Riding Life’s Emotional Waves
- Emotional Readiness & Responsiveness Model©.
- Stress Management Techniques.
By the completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the importance of choosing a positive, proactive, and constructive approach to challenging situations
- Understand emotions and know the benefits of developing high emotional intelligence
- Recognise the drivers of emotions, behaviours, and attitude in themselves and in others
- Understand the benefits of an emotionally focused team
- Know how to emotionally frame conversations
- Apply Castle’s Coaching Model for EQ Self-Realisation©
- Know their personality type and how to identity other’s personality type
- Understand the importance of Embracing Your Emotional Individuality for Emotional Wellness
- Know the importance Emotional Wellness when faced with life’s wave
- Develop their ideal state of Emotional Readiness
- Identify, apply, and monitor their Emotional Responsiveness when faced with life’s wave
- Apply stress management techniques.
Course duration – 2 days
Participant Course Material
Participants will receive a workbook, handouts, pen, certificate, and an Emotional Wellness Personal Resource Folder.

The Objective of the Course
The objective of the course is to provide Emotional Wellness information, tools, and strategies to build a strong Emotional Wellness foundation to support an individual’s state of Emotional Wellness for when they are faced with life’s evitable waves (challenges). This is achieved through the practical and interactive course content, which incorporate Garth’s evidence-based Emotional Wellness Models.
The course does not act as, nor replaces a clinical intervention. If an intervention is required, individuals are encouraged to engage with a professional practioner and/or organisation who are qualified in providing these services. Likewise, the course does not act as a counselling session and participants will not have to disclosure any personal situations/experiences unless they are willing to do so. There are plenty of self-reflection activities incorporated into the course.
‘A Coffee with Garth’ Training and Coaching Concept
How ‘A Coffee with Garth’ was Born
The café scene has become major part of peoples’ lifestyle. For individuals, it is an extension of their living room where they meet with friends and family to catch up over coffee, and for business, it has become a popular venue for meetings. A café is an environment that creates an atmosphere which is enjoyable, relaxed, informal, and non-threatening. Therefore, individuals feel comfortable and safe to open-up, resulting in constructive and positive communication and interaction. Since Garth is a regular patron of cafés, he realised it would be fantastic to replicate this atmosphere into his courses and coaching, and thus… ‘A Coffee with Garth’ was born!

‘A Coffee with Garth’…
a fun, funky, and unforgettable training environment, which creates alearning atmosphere that is highly engaging, relaxed, and non-threatening
for the participants.

‘A Coffee with Garth’ – Participant Feedback
“This is the most useful course I ever attended.
“Everything that we discussed today is so useful to me.”
“Learning new ways of coping and understanding
what is emotional wellness.”
“I enjoyed the level of engagement, participation
and relaxed atmosphere.”
“I’m going to teach my 18 year old daughter this!”
“I enjoyed Garth’s passion about the subject and humour.”
“I enjoyed the Emotional Readiness & Responsiveness Model
with the analogy of riding a wave.
I can put the concept into action and measure it.”
“Great stories and how we can all use these examples
in our own life – personal and professional.”
“Very, very helpful.”
“Garth’s ability to read audience kept energy up.”
“I didn’t know where to start… now I do!”
Embedding and Sustainability of Learning
Garth’s goal is that the training does not become a one-off activity, but rather that the desired outcomes are achieved from the Emotional Wellness course through the embedding and sustainability of the learning. Due to this, Garth applies the proverb, “Give a person a fish and you will feed them for a day. Teach a person how to fish and you will feed them for a lifetime”. To achieve this, Garth has developed;
‘A Coffee with Garth’ Journey of Learning… the 4Cs’

Once a participant is competent, they can confidently share their Emotional Wellness knowledge with others, resulting in an ‘Emotional Wellness Ripple Effect’.
Measuring the Course Outcomes
It is important to measure the outcomes the course achieved for the participants through an evaluation process, which captures quantitative and qualitive measures. This is achieved through the course evaluation form, which is completed by each participant immediately at the conclusion of the course,along with capturing key progress measures at the starting point (prior to the course), 1 month and 3 months after the course.